What We Do

Set The Stage

First impressions count, both for the candidate and the company. We make that happen. Once your startup is set, we help you procure everything you need, from the basics like licences and registrations, to all the operational and compliance requirements to kickstart your venture, the effortless way.

Design the Basics

Getting down to brass tacks is crucial for an organisation to power ahead. If the basics are right, it hastens the process. We partner with you to shape the blueprint of the company and the culture it wants to advocate. Acquiring talent will be in line with this strategy. After mapping the organisational culture and values, our team engages with the market to establish the appropriate talent pipeline. This will be followed by an effective communication strategy involving the designing, implementing and delivering both internal and external communication to all the concerned stakeholders.

Organisational Structure & Hire

Setting up the core team appropriately is one of the most crucial exercises for a company. For the new recruits, the skills have to match the culture and the unique positioning of the organisation. In this phase, our talent strategists partner with you to fill up the leadership positions by helping you understand the market, the talent pipeline and accordingly, help you decide on the onboarding. Every hire you onboard is crucial. Therefore, the relationship that you build during this phase is for the long-term. PeopleOn helps you accomplish all of these with minimal hassles.


The first 30 days of a recruit can influence the fortune of a company. This is also the crucial transition phase where an outsider becomes an insider. We get the new hires to align with the values and culture of the firm to align with the vision and curtail early attrition to further job satisfaction. Our emphasis is on relationships that last, a significant factor for the success of any startup. Acquiring talent is only the beginning. Helping them in their journey while keeping them happy is what we excel at, and we persevere to keep the flock together in a high-performing environment.

Grow & Develop

Start-ups want to make the most impact in the quickest possible time. Here is where performance is key to the growth plan, and so is job satisfaction. This phase is all about understanding the talent and using the appropriate assessment framework to calibrate the potential of every employee. Identifying the strengths and finding room for improvement will be the focus at this stage. Not only do we design the teams but also empower them with motivation, delegation and feedback.

People Development

A low attrition rate is the single most important indicator about the health of an organisation. Here is where we ensure that the employees are happy with the organisation in every way possible. It works both ways, so we ensure that the firm is just as content with the work force. When the staff is empowered and motivated to excel, people development is a natural byproduct.

Personal Coaching

Life skills of balancing work-life are crucial to any employee, be it an individual contributor or leader. We facilitate that with psychometric tools and leadership development programs to produce future leaders. With customised programs and workshops, we embark on finetuning managerial skills with nifty tools such as 360 Degree Feedback. In addition, we even help the management to up their game with Executive Assessment Programs that enable them to overcome the business challenges with the right management skills.


Setting up a dream team is not the end of the story. Sustaining it and growing it is just as crucial to any organisation and we facilitate that through various interventions and diagnosis. We measure the team morale and engagement level to understand the value they bring to the firm. We devise reward programs that encourage the employees to not only stay with the organisation but also become more productive. A satisfied employee leads to a healthy and profitable organisation.

Simple answer: Because we care. Startups have much to deal with, and we decided to help their cause. Thanks to our intervention, they will now have enough time to harness their core competencies and leave us to do all the other work, be it licensing, registration, hiring, developing and finally enabling. Therefore, a team of specialists have come together to help organisations with customised solutions in organisational development and change, employee relations, leadership development, succession planning and talent acquisition. We redesign, reorganise, restructure the 

HR processes and systems to make startups more agile and competitive. We strike the right partnerships, imbue the right organisation culture in the new recruits, help with assessments and development while the organisations can enhance their  business processes. Need a lending hand? You have reached the right destination.